1.  Do I need a physical to participate in a high school or middle school sport?
Yes.  You must have a physical in order to participate in a sport.  The physical must be dated after May 1st.

2.  Do I need a physical for every season I play?
No.  You need to get 1 full physical per school year, HOWEVER, a recertification packet is required for each subsequent sport played before the next school year.

3.  Do I have to pay the activity fee?
Yes.  The activity fee is due when athletes get their uniforms.  Swimming and indoor track are exempt from the activity fee since they are self-funded.

4.  How much is the Activity Fee?
The High School activity fee is $75 per season
The Middle School activity fee is $50 per season
The Family Cap is $300

5.  What happens if I pay the activity fee but decide not to go out for the team or get cut from the team?
If you decide not to go out for the team or you do not make the team, you will need to complete the Activity Fee Refund Request form in order to receive a refund.  

6.  Do I need a specific doctors' note if I get injured?
Yes.  If you are injured during the season a general doctors' note from an MD or DO is required in order to return to play.  If you are diagnosed with a concussion or have a cardiac issue, you must have Section 8 completed by the MD or DO that is treating you.  This is the only clearance accepted for concussions and cardiac issues.  If you are injured and the injury carries into the next sports season, you must have Section 8 completed by the MD or DO that is treating you. 

7.  If I am diagnosed with a concussion, what is the process to return to play? 
You must have Section 8 completed by the MD or DO that is treating you.  Once the Athletic Trainers' have Section 8 on file, you will begin your 5 day return to play, which is required in order to return to sports.  

8.  What time do I need to be in school in order to participate in practices and/or games?
You must be in school no later than 11 AM in order to participate in practices and/or games.  If you have a doctors' appointment, you must present a doctors' note to the main office in order to be able to participate.  If it is an excused absence you are able to participate.

9.  Can I play a sport if I am failing a class at the high school?
No.  If you are failing a class you are ineligible from Sunday through Saturday. 

10.  Can I play a sport if I am failing a class at the middle school? 
Yes.  If you are failing 1 class at the MS you are still ok to play.  If you are failing more than 1 class at the MS you are ineligible from Sunday through Saturday.  

11.  Can I practice or play in a game if I have detention, ISS or OSS? 

12.  I just transferred to Twin Valley from another school.  What do I need to do?
Transfers may require additional paperwork.  Please contact the Athletic Director, Mrs. Taylor Parker to complete the paperwork. 

